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Find your beat with Kempinski

From laid-back beachside luxury to the thrilling buzz of the city, every destination marches to its own beat. Match your Travel Pulse to the pace of your destination to inspire your next getaway and save up to 25%. 

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From the underwater world of Aqaba to the endless greens of our golfing destinations, get moving with this selection of active offers. Whether you choose the high-energy atmosphere of the mountains or the thrilling adventure of a safari in the Masai Mara, it’s sure to get your pulse racing. 

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If discovery is more your thing, keep your finger on the pulse of your destination by embarking on a cultural deep dive. Visit Istanbul’s palaces, snap a bucket list photo in China or pick up some souvenirs in Venice – you’ll have stories to tell and memories to treasure. 

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Put your wellbeing first and slow down the pace in an environment that inspires rest and rejuvenation. From the serenity of Balinese island life to the carefree luxury of residence in Bangkok, leave your cares behind and relax into our pick of beachside getaways and soothing city escapes. 


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