Hotel Overview

Hotel Overview

Timelessly Elegant

Romantic Retreat

For a memorable Valentine's gift or a romantic getaway, surprise your loved one with an unforgettable stay in Portorož, the ultimate destination for romance and luxury.

Exclusive Summer Offer

Explore our exclusive summer offer and save up to 30% with free cancelation up to 7 days before arrival.

Early booker

Save up to 30%, book your stay in Portorož in advance and benefit from our exclusive offer.

Spring Early Booker Getaway

Blossom into spring with exclusive early bird savings.

Travel Pulse

Check your Travel Pulse and relax with our global seasonal offer. 

Spa Pamper

Invigorate your body and your spirit in a pure haven of tranquillity - the Kempinski Palace Portorož Rose spa.

Dine & Wine Package

For wine lovers and connoisseurs of fine delicacies, Kempinski Palace Portorož & the Slovenian coastline are the perfect destination!

Family Adventure

Start your Family Adventure at Kempinski Palace Portorož and enjoy two connecting hotel rooms with a 50% discount on the room for the children!