Day Game Drives

Day Game Drives

All of our guests are invited to enjoy two game drives per day. 

At the heart of the theatre of the wild

Game drives can take place in the morning, afternoon, evening or at night. So please let us know your preference. Alternatively you can book a dedicated game drive (up to six guests in a vehicle) at a cost of USD 300.

A game drive through the Olare Motorogi Conservancy is a voyage of discovery that promises to transport you into a whole new realm. This is your chance to observe creatures great and small against the backdrop of a pristine wilderness. Often awe-inspiring, always enchanting, a game drive allows you to be part of the great wilderness landscape: to breath it: to smell it: to live it.

Managed in cooperation with its ancient guardians, the Maasai, this is a realm where you will rarely see another safari vehicle, where the savannah is yours, and where you will often find yourselves as the only spectators to such events as lions at play, wallowing hippos, wandering elephants, browsing giraffes and careering herds of zebra. During the season, you can also witness one of the world’s most stunning natural events: the annual migration of over one million wildebeest and their attendant wildlife cast.

Our custom-built six-person safari vehicles offer comfort, panoramic viewing, dedicated safari guides, refreshments on-board (soft drinks and local beer) and radio-links for fast location of game. Traditionally, game-drives take place early morning (you are woken with tea and arrive back in time for breakfast) or late afternoon/early evening. They can also incorporate picnic breakfasts or lunches and evening sundowners in the bush. We also offer night game-drives: which promise you nocturnal drama indeed.

What you can see: this unique ecosystem hosts over 95 species of mammals. Highlights include: elephant, buffalo, hippo, Masai giraffe, topi, Coke's hartebeest, Grant's and Thomson's gazelle, zebra, impala, Kirk's dik-dik, bushbuck, waterbuck, red duiker, baboon, vervet monkey, blue monkey, red-tailed monkey, nocturnal bush baby, and tree hyrax. Predators include lion, cheetah, leopard and hyena. Birds: 550 recorded species, 5 of which are globally threatened.

An ornithological extravaganza

Boasting over 550 resident and migratory species, this unique region shelters an incredible array of both regionally and globally threatened birds. Easily spotted on the plains are the common ostrich, secretary bird, ground hornbill and bustard (kori, black-bellied and white-bellied). Also plentiful are crowned plover, red-necked spur fowl and helmeted guinea fowl, while along the rivers African fish eagle, Egyptian geese, yellow-billed stork, sacred ibis and blacksmith plover abound. There are also 53 species of raptors, to include augur buzzard, black-shouldered kite, bateleur eagle and 6 species of vulture. Finally, this is the only place in Kenya where you can see the rare Schalow's turaco.