Unmatched luxury and exclusive perks when you book directly with us!
Benefit from a unique treatment when booking directly from our website or through our reservation department for an unparalleled seaside escape.
Instantly unlock:
- A $20 credit per night in our F&B outlets OR Kempinski the Spa
- Special offers on hotel services
- Complimentary daily minibar refill
- Complimentary Wi-Fi internet connection
- Access to the hotel's resort and facilities
- Access to a variety of water sports and summer activities around the resort
- Personalized assistance from our Lady in Red and Concierge for destination recommendations in the city
Join our Kempinski Discovery loyalty programme today and start earning D$ from your very first stay, redeemable for luxurious experiences and exclusive privileges.
For our reservation department, contact us on +961 1 858 000 or send an email to [email protected]
Terms and conditions apply.