Events in the Christmas season

Events in the Christmas season

Kramperl - 2 December 2023

The centuries-old custom of the Kramperl/Krampus Runs is particularly firmly rooted in Berchtesgaden. The Krampus usually comes as a companion of St. Nicholas, who gifts children who behaved well over the year, as it has been a long tradition.

At the Krampus Runs, however, they come alone and put on a little show with costumes and drum music. At this event, you may enjoy Christmas cookies, mulled wine and kids' Punch to get you into a warm and cosy Christmas mood. 

The event will take place in our hotel lobby and does not require registration. However, don´t miss out on this unique experience with your children in our hotel and discover a centuries-old tradition. 


"Stubnmusi" - Saturdays 

Make yourself comfortable at the fireplace of our cosy Lobby Lounge & Kaminbar and enjoy the "Stubnmusi" -  a traditional alpine music type. Experience this special festive Advent atmosphere every Saturday during the festive season as well as on 25 & 26 December 2023, 1 & 2 January 2024 from 15.00 to 17.00 hrs.


Kids Christmas tree decorating - 24 December 2023

A true tradition and real highlight awaits all children on 24 December at 14.00 hrs. We decorate the beautiful Christmas tree in in our library.
Join the fun and get in Christmas Eve mood with delicious Christmas cookies, punch, hot chocolate and other Christmas snacks.


All events are free of charge for our hotel guests.