Castles, Parks and Gardens

Castles, Parks and Gardens

Dresden offers a variety of sights and attractions for young and old - exciting history, historical architecture, green parks and a vibrant centre.

Castles, Parks and Gardens in and arround Dresden

Pillnitz castle and park

The popular excursion destination Schloss & Park Pillnitz is located in the immediate vicinity of Dresden. Commissioned by August the Strong and built under M. D. Pöppelmann, the palace is today known above all for its beautiful botanical garden.

In 1818 the Renaissance castle burned down completely and the New Palace was built in its place. It includes the Pillnitz Castle Museum, which tells the story of the Pillnitz Castle and Park. Among other things, you can see the Kuppelsaal, which was used as a banquet and dining hall at that time. The royal court kitchen, which was completed in 2003 after years of restoration, can also be visited. Did you know that Princess Mathilde made a major contribution to the restoration? Her watercolour paintings of the court kitchen made it possible to construct historically correct replicas.

The Camellia
When you take a walk around the park which surrounds Pillnitz Castle, you will find Japanese camellias over 200 years old and more than 8 m tall. The plant is originally from East Asia. As the story goes, a Swedish botanist named Karl Peter Thunberg brought the plant from Asia via London and ultimately to Saxony. To protect the plant against the cold winter, wooden houses were built around it. Today, it has a portable glasshouse that regulates the temperature with a computer. Each year when the plant is in bloom, you have the chance to purchase a cutting of the camellia, making this an especially rewarding time to visit Pillnitz Castle.

The conservatory in the park of Pillnitz displays more than 600 square metres’ worth of botanic treasures from South Africa, New Zeeland and Australia.

Three castles of the Elbe and night of castles

Surrounded by parks and vineyards, you will find the three castles of the Elbe built in the 19th century - Albrechtsberg Castle, Lingner Castle and Eckstein Castle. From here you have a wide view over the city and the surrounding countryside. Every year, the Dresden night of castles is held at the castles. Art, culture and music of various types are presented and topped with a spectacular fireworks show. This destination should not be missed on your sightseeing tour.

Dresden Heide

The Dresdner Heide, one of the largest forest city areas in Germany, invites everyone to hike and relax. A variety of routes will lead you through the heart of Dresden's nature, where you will be impressed by wild boar sow gardens, burial fields, burial mounds and natural monuments. Among small rivers and streams you can find waterfalls that are well worth discovering. Even a climbing forest and a forest swimming pool have found their place on the edge of the landscape conservation area to delight visitors.

Great Garden with Park Railway and Botanical Garden

The 147-hectare "Great Garden" with its Baroque and English style is one of Dresden's most famous attractions. It houses the Palais with its associated lake, which was built as a pleasure palace in the 15th century and is considered one of the first baroque buildings in the city. 
Dresden Zoo and the botanical garden are located on the edge of the park, making a visit a perfect combination. In the botanical garden you will discover around 10,000 plants waiting for you to explore them. 
The Dresden park railway also runs through the great garden. You can start your journey through nature at any stop and let yourself be charmed by the sounds of the little locomotives.

Baroque Garden Großsedlitz

To the south-east of Dresden's city centre lies the Großsedlitz Baroque Garden, which today covers about 18 hectares. Its sandstone figures are particularly well known and are intended to represent, for example, the four seasons or the different parts of the Earth. You are welcome to take part in a guided tour or experience the garden individually without any stress.