Take care of both work and personal matters with ease during your stay with us. We provide complimentary wireless internet access in all public areas and guestrooms, allowing you to stay connected wherever you are. Each guestroom can support up to five devices, ensuring you can work, browse, or connect with family and friends. While this complimentary service offers limited speed, it is perfect for general tasks like checking emails, browsing the web, and staying up-to-date with your business and personal communications.
For guests with more demanding online needs or requiring dedicated workspaces, our Business Centre, located conveniently in the lobby, offers internet-connected PCs for your use. Whether you need to download large files, conduct video conferences, or manage more complex work tasks, our Business Centre ensures you have access to all the necessary tools.
Additionally, the Business Centre offers a range of professional services, including high-speed printing, scanning, and faxing, along with presentation media such as digital projectors and LCD screens. Whether you're preparing for an important meeting or need to ship documents, we offer services to cover all your professional requirements.
No matter your business needs, our facilities are designed to ensure your work is handled efficiently, making your stay as productive as possible.
For more info or reservation please contact [email protected]