"Mansaf" Pride of Jordan

"Mansaf" Pride of Jordan

A National Taste of Jordan

Ask just about any Jordanian what food you have to try when you visit Jordan and you are pretty likely to hear “mansaf” as the top answer. There is a certain Jordanian pride and significance that goes with mansaf. Once you taste it and experience a communal mansaf meal, you will know why. Mansaf is food that runs deep in Jordanian culture and when you take your first bite, you will actually taste Jordan.

A National Taste of Jordan
Mansaf is a fascinating harmony of local lamb, rice, nuts and the traditional “jameed”, which is fermented dehydrated yogurt. Being Jordan’s national dish, mansaf is more of an engaging event than just a meal. Don’t leave the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan without feasting together.

Traditions of Mansaf
Your guests will share a large serving plate, have them pull the meat off the bone and dig into the jameed-soaked rice. Your guests will engage in the childhood joy of eating with your bare hands, like an authentic Jordanian meal experience. Have them mash the food into a ball and flick it into their mouth like flipping a coin. Our team will assist when necessary and will continue to pour the jameed; our gesture of generosity and hospitality.

Nothing like Delicious Knafeh after Mansaf!
Let our talented Arabic pastry chef put a sweet finale to your indigenous lunch. Have your delegates dig into the sweet delight of knafeh, a syrup-soaked cheese, semolina dough with pistachio sprinkles... and “sahtain!” An interactive dessert for every sweet tooth.