

The town of Bansko offers many sites connected with the history of the dwelling, as well as numerous spots of natural beauty.

Discover the culture and the historical heritage of Bansko.

Explore the depths of history... Take a trip back in time and experience Bansko for the chance to come face-to-face with the old customs and traditional folklore. Along with the beautiful Pirin Mountains, the town of Bansko offers many sites connected with the history of the dwelling, as well as numerous spots of natural beauty. Just a few of the places that must be seen are the Holy Trinity Church, the museum-houses of Neofit Rilski and Nikola Vaptsarov, the Velyanova House Museum, The historic-ethnographic complex "Radonova kashta", the Permanent Icon exhibition, the monument of Saint Paisius of Hilendar and many more.

The Holy Trinity Compound Temple is one of the greatest historic and cultural landmarks of the town of Bansko. The church presents a masterpiece of beautiful synthesis between architectural space, woodcarving, frescos, and icons. Its impressive silhouette is in perfect harmony with the 30 m high bell tower built in close proximity.

Museum Complex Bansko is the first of its kind within the national museum network. Optimally structured, it successfully achieves its task to search for, keep, study and present cultural values from across the region within the context of the all-Bulgarian development, especially for the National Revival and fights for liberation period. It includes: House museum of Nikola Vaptsarov, House museum of Neofit Rilski, House of Velyan, permanent exhibition of Bansko Art School, Historical and Ethnographic Museum - Radonova House, and the monument of Saint Paisius of Hilendar. They have collected household items from different eras, archaeological finds, indigenous costumes, old printed books and manuscripts, original icons, wood carvings and rich photographic material.