World Renowned Dalian Seafood

World Renowned Dalian Seafood

World Renowned Dalian Seafood

In China, Dalian is the unique place enjoying a high-quality sea at 39 degrees north latitude. The average annual sea temperature is 10 degrees, with a salt content of 30%.

Dalian is an important national fishing base, where fishes, prawns, crabs, scallops and seaweeds flourish. It's also the place of origin for precious seafood, including Liaoning sea cucumber, regarded as champion of sea treasures, and Dalian abalones, champion of sea food, as well as echinus, assassin under the sea.

Seafood bears culture. Due to Dalian's special culture, seafood here has characteristics of the city, and is different from other places. Ever since the Qin Dynasty, ancestors of Dalian paid special attention to the rhythmic harmony between food and universe. They are different food in different seasons.