

Kempinski Hotel Budapest Zrt.
Erzsébet tér 7-8.
1051 Budapest, Hungary

Telefon +36 1 429 3777
Telefax +36 1 429 4777
Email [email protected]

Directors: René Frischknecht, Jasmeet Sehmi

Legal Name: Kempinski Hotel Budapest Zrt. a Plc. incorporated under the laws of Hungary.
Trade Registry No: 01-10-041234 registered at the Metropolitan Court of Budapest as Registry Court.

EU VAT Number: HU10250378
VAT Number: 10250378-2-41
NTAK Registration Number: SZ19000111

General Terms & Conditions (electronic version)
* valid as of 1 February 2023
* valid as of 1 September 2021

Hungarian Conciliation Boards 2024