News from High Tatras

News from High Tatras

01 Dec 2022

The Lobby of the Grand Hotel Kempinski Becomes a Stage for Young Talents


Štrbské Pleso, 1 December, 2022 – Hotels belonging to the Kempinski collection support young musical talents. Individual hotels will provide their lobbies to become a stage for local art students. Grand Hotel Kempinski High Tatras has also joined the Kempinski Concertini initiative, and not only hotel guests but also local residents can come and watch a performance by the talented students of the Jozef Adamovič Conservatory in Košice once a month on Saturdays during the school year.

"We constantly try to bring our guests events connected with art, whether concerts or exhibitions. We supported young talents from the conservatory even before the pandemic. This year we decided to join the global initiative Kempinski Concertini because we consider the support of local talents crucial," explains Kathrin Noll, general manager of the Grand Hotel Kempinski High Tatras. "Just like in the pre-Covid year 2019, when the concerts were a great success with our guests, in 2022, we also provided the lobby bar of our hotel to the students of the conservatory, and we are delighted that they are presenting their art right here in the heart of the High Tatras nature," added Kathrin Noll.

"We greatly appreciate the opportunity the conservatory students receive thanks to the Kempinski Concertini project. Performers who come to the hotel must have a larger repertoire because the concert lasts up to three hours with breaks," explains Róbert Galovics, director of the Jozef Adamovič Conservatory School in Košice. The repertoire of the artists is always adapted to the intimate atmosphere of the hotel lobby. The compositions range from the Baroque, Classicism, Romanticism and the 20th century.

At the last concert before the holidays, flautist Miroslava Rybická performed on Saturday, June 18, 2022, accompanied by Matej Stašík on the piano. Guitarist Daniel Pleteník and pianist Jozef Sklenčár also demonstrated their talent to those present, not only hotel guests.