Summer Menu

Summer Menu

Full of emotions.

Taste the High Tatras summer on a plate

Grandmas' recipes, historical cookbooks, travel and social media are among the most common inspirations for chefs when creating new menus. Emotions and mood played a major role in compiling the summer menu at the Grand Restaurant. This way, guests can taste the Tatra summer on a plate filled with colours, smells and tastes. Chef Miroslav Zamiška and his team prepared fresh, light dishes from typically Slovak ingredients.

The new summer menu is based on local ingredients supplied to the restaurant by certified local growers and farmers. "The new menu offers seasonal products but also contains spring bryndza. Guests can find summer vegetables, mushrooms and, in addition, herbs that we grow in our hotel garden. The summer menu is less complex and easier to digest than the winter or spring menus. The change also comes from the visual side. Summer dishes are more varied and colourful. As we are at the peak of the season, we have the privilege to use many local products," explains Miroslav Zamiška.

Emotions on a plate

The creation of the final menu by the team led by Miroslav Zamiška begins several months in advance of the launch. "We always try and combine different flavours before the season starts. I also compile the menu according to current stimuli. My emotions and what I felt that day play a part in creating dishes," explains the chef. He and his team traditionally focus on creating easy-to-understand dishes that satisfy all guests.

Golden trout and pineapple strawberries

Freshly ripened strawberries also traditionally announce the beginning of summer. In the Tatras, however, we have combined an unconventional variety of green strawberries that taste like pineapple and fish. Thus, Hotel guests can try a golden trout roll with rhubarb sauce, green strawberries, and kohlrabi tagliatelle. "The perfectly balanced taste of trout calls for something sour to create a combination of freshness and sweetness. The final product is simple and light on the plate. It fills you up, but it doesn't make you feel tired," explains the chef of the Tatra restaurant, which won the World Culinary Awards as the best hotel restaurant in Slovakia.

In the Grand Restaurant, gourmands can also try grated foie gras with vanilla-perfumed carrots and fresh vegetable salad with zucchini, cottage cheese and strawberries. Traditional Perkelt made from rabbit legs is prepared for lovers of quality meat. The speciality is grilled venison loin with roasted shallots and chard. Creativity and experimentation are characteristic of the chef and his team, thanks to which they regularly create combinations of unusual flavours. This year, they managed to invent, for example, a dessert of candied garlic and mustard marmalade using non-traditional ingredients.

Explore our Summer menu here.